On September 1st, 2024, at approximately 2:00 P.M., Ofc. Gonzalez was flagged down by a concerned resident and made aware of a vehicle on Forest Way with significant front end damage. Ofc. Gonzalez located the vehicle on Roseland Ave. and conducted a motor vehicle stop on Oak Ln. The driver, a 30 year old male from Bayonne, NJ, denied having been in an accident and stated the damage was from a prior date. Ofc. Gonzalez detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from the driver’s mouth and he showed several signs consistent with someone who was under the influence of alcohol. A short time later, dispatch advised Ofc. Rigas of a hit and run accident that had occurred on Eagle Rock Ave. near Forest Way. The vehicle that had fled matched the description of the vehicle that Ofc. Gonzalez had stopped. While Ofc. Gonzalez was waiting for his backup to arrive, the driver fled the traffic stop at a high rate of speed, ultimately crashing on the front lawn of a residence on Brookside Ave. Ofc. Gonzalez placed the driver under arrest and he was transported back to police headquarters for processing. He was charged with second degree eluding, fourth degree assault by auto and fourth degree criminal mischief. In addition, he was issued motor vehicle summonses for driving under the influence, refusal to submit to a breath test, reckless driving, careless driving, failure to report an accident and leaving the scene of an accident involving property damage. The defendant also had an active criminal warrant out of Bayonne, NJ. He was remanded to the Essex County Correctional Facility pending a future court date. These charges are merely allegations and he is presumed innocent until he is found guilty in a court of law. A special thank you to the surrounding towns for your assistance.
Authorized by: Chief Darren Volker
